Big shifts around money, finances, wealth and prosperity have been occuring in my camp all year. That is not to say I have more money than ever. In fact, I have significantly less cash flow - but I’m not as unhappy as one would expect. This has to do with internal breakthroughs and new found appreciation for value and self worth.
This article includes concepts around expanded consciousness, lack resonance, relationship to wealth, and the gift of limitations.
What is shifting in me is something very deep. I’m resetting my nervous system and patterns of engagement with the world. I’m clearing space for emotional clarity. Sorting and letting go.
I’ve had a lack mindset all my life. Not something I was conscious of. As a young adult, even as a child - I was hyper independant. Highly individual and determined, blocked from any advice for safety - responding with frustration to any attempt to caution me.
I was not aware of lack mindset in my teenage and young adult years. I had an unseen, unconsidered future which I would deal with when it happened. I was moment to moment, day to day. Living as though there were no tomorow, unconscious to my behavior. I was risk taking and operating from a state of anxiety, nervousness, and thirst for exploring expansive experiences.
I ‘stockpiled’ goods. Shy of hoarding, but certainly a collector. I took advantage of opportunity to accumulate items for convenience. I would imagine the usefullness of a random item and put it aside in case it would come in handy. I purchased and aquired off the back of thoughts, whims, ideas and possibilities, rather than with strategy, priorities, or covering basic needs. I often moved at chaotic speeds and took big risks with little appreciation for limitations. Chasing more. But I also wasn’t holding onto things well. I had an alternative motivation peeping through as I matured and wanted to release the items I obtained. I would find they didn’t really serve me - and would give things away. I wanted to be generous, and I also didn’t want to ‘see-through’ my issue with accumultion. Suddenly the impulse was to release the items.
I always expecting another paycheck, and so I was spending and spending in a way that deferred the payment to next week - to next year.
I’ve had a lot of ‘stuff’ come and go in my life. I’ve moved houses 10 times in my adult life. Re-furnishing often. Clothing, art supplies, projects, cosmetics, dress ups - expensive dinners, alchohol, drugs, spontanious overseas travel. Cutting corners and consuming in a way that was not relaxing or enjoyable. Every move created more stress.
I’ve spent well beyond my means and encured significant debt which I am still in recovery from.
Everything came to a hault at the beginning of 2023. I simply let go of working in a conventional way.
My Human Design studies sparked an absolute shut down of doing anything that I didn’t want to do. We can maybe look at more reasons (moral injury) for falling into a pile, but the reasons don’t really matter in this article. The circumstances that have occured are all part of a pathway to learn a truely difficult lesson that is potentially eons of lifetimes of avoidance.
I’ve always been introspective and leant into self discovery and self healing. At this junction I’m really diving into consciousness and how we create with every fibre of our being. The patterns deep within have rusted, atrophied. Generally, we’ve forgotten or can’t access our abilities to weave consciousness It’s set on auto-pilot and we are prone to manipulation from external forces.
It’s been a journey of surrender to the field.
I’ve experienced help and support like never before. I’m learning how it feels to be limited and to have to be very careful choosing a balance between living (survival) and life (thriving). Having the space to stop everything is supporting this redesign and new found appreciation to the access that wealth supports. I’ve had deep shifts in understanding balance and this concept that energy must equalise - therefore - payment is required. Pay now, pay later, or someone else somewhere, pays.
Just as there has been a heavy outpour of spendings in my life - I have also had blocks to recieving. I undersell myself and my offers.
My response to value is shifting - someone pays, and nothing is ever free. Money is the currency of this realm. It is the material system we engage with and it requires respect. I notice how I am relaxing and easing with the limitation that exists. There is a freedom in being unable to choose anything and to leave everything to the energy field. Its also about knowing what I need. What I really need.
My Human Design ‘authority’ is my emotional wave and sacral response. With the knowledge of my emotional wave, I simple do not make quick decisions - ever. I let everything go until it returns for me. I play ‘hard to get’ with the universe.
Despite my needing so much support to meet my basic bills, I feel more peace than before - not accumulating and making quick sharp decisions out of fear that I’m missing out. But rather now I feel this stillness, somewhat patience.
Not working in the way I have before, gives me to time to see what I have and where I’m at. To feel into options and pathways.
There are fairly consistent tests. Opportunities for me to find more patience, more stillness and more acceptance. To also develop priorties - to take care of myself - to take myself to classes and experiences which can nourish me. I’m ending the desire to punish myself for my failures.
All my life I wove a tangled web of ‘no tomorow’ - going deeper and deeper into material woe. I feel strongly that this is a master lesson of my life, and that my overcoming it will provide a great support to others.
Locked into a loop of loss
A majority of the working class accept a standardization of what our time and wisdom is worth. Employers undervalue the talent of staff because staff are asked to fit a made up vision of a person as a list of tasks, instead of meeting a person and encouraging their strengths - modifying the role or the desired result to maximize a person’s wealth generating potential. This outcomes as a loss for an employer and a loss for the employed. A waste of potential. Limitations and traps like bricks on the head of hope.
There is compromise occuring so often that people fall out of alignment with themselves - modifying themselves to obtain a paycheck to pay for a home, unsympathetic to the enviroment and unsustainable. Homes that make self-sufficiency impossible.
Someone or something has to pay, and it often ends up energetic, … which ends up as physical health malfunction to match the wealth malfunction.
State your value
All conscious creators have the capability to decide the compensation received for your specific skills and talents.
As a practitioner in the healing, energetic, or creative arts, we need to address the blocks in the psyche to receiving what we feel is a fair energetic exchange.
I want to make 2 important points. Point 1 - clear the bondage to personal and collective blocks - matching the low vibration offers that tell us an hour is worth $30 for example. Shift value to outcomes - not hours. Two hours with family doesn’t pay you a wage, but it pays you with nutrience and bonding. 2 hours less of medical treatment required.
Point 2 - if as a practioner you undersell your value, someone will have to pay the difference. It will be you via energy depletion - or it will be your client, as they haven’t paid what they need to pay to balance the scales. They haven’t committed to what it will take to make the shift they seek.
Part of your role as the ‘price setter’ - is to receive the correct exchange so that the work you are providing hits the frequency required and your client gets what they asked for.
If you always want things to be free, and cheaper - you begin to erode the stone, or empty the bucket, sending the signal that the bucket doesn’t need to fill back up. We stand in the way of flow, and create resistance to receiving.
Make prosperity your project
Prosperity and wealth can arrive in various forms. All energy is a frequency and we attune to the frequency, and on a wave which delivers in line with the direction. If that direction is fear of lack or bitterness towards those that have more, thats what we’re creating.
Prosperity is wisdom. Prosperity is accessing green grass, laying your eyes on trees and open waters. It’s being with animals. It’s seeing the moon.
Anxious feelings express a lack of resonance - no trust for the future circumstance. It’s the constant comparison of face values, how things are percieved and seen by others - we self limit based on fear of how it looks. No one really knows how things are for anyone else.
Our realties are all truth, as much as everything is untrue.
Our bodies know where they want to invest
Energy exchange as we know it is massivly shifting. Our inner authority can guide us into correct decision making. It doesn’t guarentee a fantasy outcome - it asures an authentic outcome. That we are representing consciousness as we are designed to represent it. Without fear and without shame.
Attune the body and re-sensitise the instincts, the signals and the messages that come from within - leading us toward what is right for us.
A Human Design analysis is the first step that can help understand your inner authority and correct decision making for you.
More to come on this as my wealth story develops.
Have a beautiful day. X